Sunday, October 2, 2011

Love and Rockets Links: 10/3

IOWA: A University of Iowa gallery showing of comics art, including work by Gilbert Hernandez, called "Graphic Language: The Art and Literature of Comics" is running at the Black Box Theatre at the Iowa Memorial Union, September 24-December 11. This is in conjunction with the symposium of October 6-8 "Comics, Creativity, and Culture: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives" where Jaime and Gilbert Hernandez are among the keynote speakers. information from here.
Here's a nicely constructed sales page, centered around Gilbert's recent books, for some enterprise called Comic Book Back Issues. I don't endorse this site (whatever it may be) but the addition of a short, old video clip of Gilbert and a picture of him signing one of his books is a nice touch.
twitter: plugs Jaime and others in STRANGE TALES II trade paperback in german twitter: Alicia K. is cryin' over Jaime's newest Locas story
twitter: Elin Bjurvald thinks Jaime is the greatest living cartoonist (add "one of the..." and I'd agree with that one)
twitter: Spandex comic (great background art, btw) says Jaime is their God. God says please buy 100 copies of L&R:NS #4 in tribute.
twitter: Francesco Ciaponi tweets a link to a BoingBoing post of Jordan Crane's silkscreen poster of Jaime's L&R cover, the post includes a ton of links to previous Jaime Hernandez-themed BoingBoing posts.
twitter: finally, some love for Gilberto, as Lost Caterpillar is rereading that great PALOMAR hardcover.
twitter: Carlos continues the praise-a-thon for Gilbert's L&R:NS #4 and CITIZEN REX collection.

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